Long-term management plan “VISION 2033”
We drew up a new long-term management plan VISION 2033 for the decade beginning in FY 2023.
VISION2033 – What we pursue toward FY 2032
A creator of new values that make for a better future based on the spirit of “Roppo-yoshi” (meaning “good for six parties”)

VISION2033 – Group Targets
VISION2033 – Slogans
Change our way of thinking and acting to step up to a different dimension for the next 100 years
Flexibly respond to rapid environmental changes to evolve further
Become a global actor by actively promoting business creation that enables sustainable growth
Basic Policies
Tailor our business portfolio to the times by expanding core businesses,pioneering new fields of business and pursuing every possible angle in order to meet the changing demands of society.
More closely link all group and partner companies on our global network so that they can freely conduct business anywhere around the world.
Build sustainable foundations by proactively investing human resources and capital with participation of all employees in ways that generate further growth.
Functional Strategies
We will implement both business strategies aligned with our basic policies and the following functional strategies for the strengthening of each division.
Secure talented manpower that can drive growth, and encourage diverse initiatives
Provide relevant information to all the stakeholders to build good relationships
Make aggressive investment for business expansion and maintain a healthy financial condition
Keep a stable shareholder composition and pursue a company culture that benefits all shareholders
Solidify group governance and sustain transparent, fair and sound business operations